Generally, I do my Christmas shopping around December 24
OK, maybe not that late, but pretty late anyway. Well this year, I want to try and make as many of my gifts as possible. With all of the scary news reports about so many recalled toys and other items, I'm hesitant about what to get.
Today, I made my mom and mother-in-law some goodies that I hope they like. You know, the only drawback I see to making things on your own is you want to keep everything!! It will be difficult to let these things go, but maybe after the holidays, I will make some for myself. Boy am I ever glad I took those sewing
Now I just need to think of some things I can make for the kids. Adults are easy enough, but the kids will be harder I think. And I hope they don't think it will be strange opening things I made myself instead of a box from the store. (I am counting on the appreciating these things as they get older) I can't promise for everything to be hand made, but the things that are will definitely be full of love.
Oh, and not made in China.... ;)