Tuesday, September 02, 2008

This and That

We've just been doing a little of everything. I worked most of the weekend and got off early on Sunday to take an overnight with the fam in St. David. It was fun to see everyone but just wished it had lasted a little longer. I took the kids to Tombstone after everyone else had left to make our day a little longer. I was sad, however, to realize that I had forgotten my camera. Ah well...

Today is back to reality and I have been packing boxes and moving them to our storage space we rented until we sell our house. It is such a headache but will definitely be worth it to get out of this house.

On a better note, my friend Regina posted about her new awesome bikes she had gotten recently and so I thought I would share my new bike I got a few weeks ago. It is too cute and I love it! As a family,we are trying to do more things outdoors instead of sitting around doing nothing. Hopefully this heat lets up soon so we can start doing more!