Sunday, January 25, 2009
No Way!!
After church, we came home and went bike riding yet again. Nothing as memorable as yesterday considering I got a flat and had to walk home instead of ride. Took a little longer,but at least the weather was good. Anyways, basically had a good day. Back to work tommorow yuck...
See ya again in 2 months! (just kidding) (maybe).
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A Natural High
Will I ever have it again? Maybe, maybe not. But it was the best natural high I've ever had.
Rock on...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Anyways, I did get to see a lot of people that I haven't seen in a very long time. It had been WAY too long... It's sad how family only seems to come together when somebody passes away. I am going to make it a promise to start keeping in touch with more people. Even if by e-mail or phone, I will make it a point.
Life is too short to miss out on the most important things.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
We had a good Christmas, kept it low-key and had a pretty awesome day. I tried to make it not so much about the gifts (because it's not really anyway) and kept it more about spending time together as a family. Of course there were gifts, just not as much as usual. But it turned out to be one of our best Christmases yet.
I was sick over New Years (not from partying =p) so the kids partied at my mom's house and I was in bed at 8:00 pm. Nice. Oh well, I woke up at 12:45 and wished everyone a Happy New Year before I threw up... Ha ha.
Other than that, any free time has been spent outside (since we recently got rid of any and all cable) riding our bikes and going on our little adventures. Every day we go a bit farther and it is so much fun. (We go a bit farther every day on account that I'm impossibly out of shape...) But hey, I'm getting there.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A LOT...

Now I am not a political person in the least, just so you know. But I have to say I was elated when they announced the new prez. Maybe it's just a gut feeling, but I think it is a good choice. Let's hope all the haters out there get over the fact that he's black and take it for what it is. Just sayin...
Michael started basketball at school a few weeks ago. I'm glad he's doing some sports at school (he did volleyball already), and while basketball may not be his thing, he rolls with it. He is mainly excited for track in the spring. "Keeps me in shape for it" he told me the other day. That's my funny guy for ya.

Amber has been sick yet again and I'm really starting to get frustrated as to what causes it. She had her tonsils out about a month and a half ago. All had been well until a week or so ago. She went to her pediatrician Monday and I finally broke down and became that mom who goes off and demands things be done. I hope I'm wrong, but I just have a feeling it's something more than "a virus that's going around". I hate hearing that every time I call, I really do. There's always something going around and it just seems to be that Amber always has it. Well, some blood work has been done and we see an infectious disease doc in a few weeks. I hope we get some answers. I don't want a sick child by any means, but if she is we need to find some answers on what we can do to help her feel better.
Sorry, just had to rant. We had a good day today. No school so we went to breakfast, saw Madagascar 2 (awesome by the way!), and went to the park and played some ball. The weather was just beautiful so it made for a perfect day. Amber was feeling good today so that helped too. Anyway, well I think that's all to update on. Just a novel today.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
This and That
Today is back to reality and I have been packing boxes and moving them to our storage space we rented until we sell our house. It is such a headache but will definitely be worth it to get out of this house.
On a better note, my friend Regina posted about her new awesome bikes she had gotten recently and so I thought I would share my new bike I got a few weeks ago. It is too cute and I love it! As a family,we are trying to do more things outdoors instead of sitting around doing nothing. Hopefully this heat lets up soon so we can start doing more!