Wednesday, October 11, 2006

What A Day

What a crazy day it was today. Amber had a field trip to the library and Party in a Pinch, which, luckily, I got to go to despite my lack of effort in filling out compliance papers and getting fingerprinted to be a volunteer. It was a lot of fun and very humorous to be with kindergarteners most of the day. I stand back in amazement at how her teacher does it all day and is still sane when it's time to go home. Ok, well maybe not always, but she loves our kids regardless. And man oh man, does Amber love her. It's only the beginning of the year and I'm already not looking forward to May. Although in Michael's case, I wish May were tomorrow. =0) I know, not nice....
The rest of the afternoon, I got to hang out in the nurse's office and slap on a few bandaids. I did feel like a moron though when Amber's teacher brought in one of her kids and I had no idea what to do. Yeah, like I haven't been working in healthcare for almost 7 years. I guess the difference is that when I deal with sick kids at work, I'm taking blood pressures and drawing blood and doing other horrible things to cause pain. All you're allowed to do there is take their temperature and send them on their way. So I sat there like an idiot and looked at her and guessed she was ok. Ugh, she probably thinks I have no clue....
So that was my day. Now I'm tired beyond belief and my bed is calling my name. I think I'll put the kids to bed early and go answer it's sweet call. Hmmm, maybe I'll go back tomorrow for some more.... =0)

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