Friday, November 10, 2006

Good Services...

Geez, I'm not very good at updating this am I? Truth be told, I have these ideas every day of what to write about, it just never seems to happen. I either forget, am too tired, or just plain lazy. Usually it's me being lazy. =) So what to write about... hmmm....
School is going well for the kids. They had today off so we had a pretty lazy day. I took them to lunch and then we collected food for their food box at school. I was kind of worried about going door to door collecting canned foods, but was pleasantly surprised to find that every single house we went to had something to give. And it made the kids feel good to know that they were doing a good service. Michael informed me that he is now certain about his place in heaven. So cute... I would like to do things like this more often with them. I think that it puts things into perspective for them, that some people don't even have enough money for food, so when they are upset that they don't have everything they want, at least they will know they have everything they need. Well I hope they remember that next time we go to the store and walk through the toy aisle. They're only human right? =0)

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