There's a first time for everything...this happens to be my first time blogging. I don't know what to expect, how it will work, who I will meet, but I suppose I will find out. Maybe it will be something I stick with, maybe it won't. But in the meantime, I'll give it a whirl and see what comes of it.
I used the term "au naturel" because I wanted this to be a place where I could be myself. My insecurities, my imperfections, everything, good and bad. I am far from perfect, but I strive daily to become better. It's all you can do I think...become better. I am unorganized, impulsive, afraid of ruffling a few feathers now and then, and my potty mouth gets me in trouble quite a bit. But, overall, I think I have a good heart. I always have good intentions, sometimes they just don't get to where they need to be.
I have a husband (Scott) and two beautiful kids, Michael (7) and Amber (5). They are my world, my reason for being here. (I will elaborate on them another day though, otherwise my blog would go on forever and people will stop reading.) I live in Arizona and work in healthcare. I would love to be a stay at home mom, but unfortunately, our bills don't allow for it. Maybe someday, but right now it's just not an option.
I do have a list of things I would like to modify about myself (change is a strong word, I just need tweeked a bit) and a few thing I would like to try out eventually). I will list some now, and add as needed:
1. I would like to become more organized in daily life.
2. I would like for my house to be cleaner.
3. I would love to be a stay at home mom.
4. I would like to try out being a vegetarian for a month or so.
5. I would like to be craftier.
6. I would like to finish things I start.
7. I would love to become a better parent.
8. I would like to start a business at home someday.
9. I would like to become a more religious person.
10. I would like to lose weight.
Of course those are in no particular order. So I think that's enough about me for now. I mean, it's all
I can digest for the moment. Peace...