Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Little Bit Of Weird

I couldn't really think of much to blog about, so instead, I decided to compile a list of things I think are kind of weird. About me of course...

1. I can't stand odd numbers. If the volume on my tv or radio is on an odd number, it must be
changed. No if's, and's, or but's about it.
2. Unless pulled directly out of the dishwasher, I wash every dish again from the cupboard
before using it.
3. My bottom lip is extremely ticklish, even lip gloss makes me giggle.
4. I mutilate most things before they are eaten... oreos, chocolate with stuff inside, you get the
5. I love to bite my kids' chins. I don't do it hard of course, it's more of a nibble. I can't believe
they still let me do it.

Ok, short list. For some reason, I can't think of anything else. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of weirdness about me. But I'm tired.... Maybe more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Leticia!!
Have a friend whose Husband does the odd number thing, so maybe your not that strange lol
2 of my kids tear up their food too and it drives me nuts, soooo much mess!!
But you know what I reckon all of us are a little weird and thats a good thing :)
Have a wonderful weekend :)