Wednesday, February 28, 2007


So we had a complete turnaround today! Amber woke up this morning and walked around most of the day without complaining. I could mostly tell by her face though, the look of pain that was so extreme yesterday had practically vanished! I am so relieved... So school tomorrow it is! I have to say though, it's been fun having her home with me these past few days. I missed cuddling and taking naps together. But responsibility must prevail...

Michael is doing well. Tons of homework this week so I feel like I've barely seen him. I definitely owe him some one on one time very soon. Poor guy, all work and no play can make for a very cranky eight year old.

1 comment:

Dare To Be Nice said...

Hi Leticia,
Just tried to email you, but can't find an email addy...
Anyways, congrats you are this weeks winner at
Can you get back to me with your address details so I can send you your prize?? Thanks :)
Have a nice day