Sunday, February 11, 2007

This and That

It seems so funny to me that I think of things to blog about every day, yet it rarely happens. I think "Oohh, this would make a good one", then I practically write it in my head, and somehow, there's a party of me that really thinks I posted. So when I check it, I'm in shock to see what the last thing I wrote actually was. Crazy, huh?
Anyway, we've been pretty busy. I've been crafing like a maniac. Except I usually do more than one thing at a time, so the finished products progress quite slowly. And sometimes my imagination doesn't stretch as far as I would like, and many things end up unfinished. I wish I had the mind of an artist, ideas flowing all of the time. I feel sometimes like my ideas are almost forced, and I end up unhappy with what I made. I know that doesn't make much sense. I love making things, I just wish they were better. I know I should be happy with what I make because it does come from the heart, so I suppose thats all that matters right?
Moving along... Michael went on a field trip Friday to The Gem and Mineral Show, which he loved so much that he begged me to take him again that afternoon. I haven't been since I went on field trips forever and ever ago, so we went. It was so amazing!! Michael (the seasoned pro) showed Amber and I everything, and they both got tons of things for very reasonable prices. After we got home, they turned our hallway into their very own show. Not that we have a lot of space in the hallway for that, but they are both very proud of their findings. How could I not agree?

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